
The Myths: Why My Clip-On Earrings Hurt

Quick Facts: Why My Clip-On Earrings Hurt?

The size of the base of your clip matters.

The smaller the base, the more pain you will endure.

You must clip on your earrings properly.

Try to go for a Clip with a larger base.

Most Quality clips are padded for comfort.

We\'ve all heard the myths about clip-on earrings: they\'re painful, they\'re for kids, and they\'re not fashionable. But here are some quick facts. What if I told you that clip-on...


I Believe In Miracles, Even-though I Cannot See Them, I Believe!

I believe miracles are happening right now for you even if you cannot see them, Believe!

I’m not impeding on anyone’s beliefs, but we must believe in something or we’ll fall for anything. I believe sharing my testimony with you will help encourage those having a questionable day to have a greater day by trusting in the unforeseen rather than what’s seen and unknown. With that being said, I had my annual mammogram in November 2022 and an area of concern appeared and...

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